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Japan terrain

Japan terrain

Japan virtual terrain

MVRsimulation has built high-resolution geospecific 3D terrain of the main island of Okinawa, Mount Fuji, and Tokyo, Japan.

The Okinawa terrain is comprised of 30-50cm high-resolution imagery, covering much of the Okinawa Prefecture including the Main Island of Okinawa, Kerama, Iheya, Izena, Aguni, le, Yoron, and Lotorishima islands. The underlying elevation data was built from 30m SRTM data. The Okinawa terrain also includes a model of Kadena Air Base (RODN), Futenma Air Base (ROTM), and Naha Airport (ROAH). The main island is also populated with several thousand geo-typical tree models, CityEngine buildings, and geotypical models from MVRsimulation's robust culture model libraries.

The terrain at Mount Fuji was built with 50cm orthoimagery and SRTM elevation data blended seamlessly with our existing underlying terrain of Japan. The terrain in and around Mount Fuji is also populated with several thousand tree models.

The Japan terrain, comprised of 60cm orthoimagery and SRTM 30m elevation data, includes a high-resolution geospecific 3D terrain inset of Tokyo, comprised of thousand geotypical CityEngine models.

The terrain is available on our Asia Terrain Drive and is also available for download on our FTP site. VRSG v7.0.159 or newer and current maintenance is required to view the terrain.