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Press Releases

First-person student view of the mixed-reality Sand Table from inside the Varjo HMD.
11 / 27 / 2023
I/ITSEC: MVRsimulation introduces new mixed-reality Sand Table
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MVRsimulation introduces mixed-reality Sand Table.pdf (288.19 KB) 288.19 KB
The MVRsimulation Deployable Joint Fires Trainer (DJFT)
08 / 08 / 2023
MVRsimulation’s mixed-reality JTAC simulator achieves full accreditation
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MVRsimulation’s mixed-reality JTAC training device achieves full accreditation.pdf (424.86 KB) 424.86 KB
MVRsimulation DJFT match sparkle exercise
11 / 28 / 2022
MVRsimulation showcases mixed reality flight, JTAC, CAS, and RPAS operator training at I/ITSEC 2022
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MVRsimulation showcases mixed reality flight, JTAC, CAS, and RPAS operator training at IITSEC 2022 - FINAL_0.pdf (292.5 KB) 292.5 KB
07 / 29 / 2022
MVRsimulation flight simulator donated by WVU alumnus aids education, research at Statler College
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Flight simulator donated by WVU alumnus aids education, research at Statler College.pdf (271.65 KB) 271.65 KB
The dome-based Advanced Joint Terminal Attack Controller Training System (AJTS) (DefenseTek image).
02 / 10 / 2022
European NATO JTAC simulator systems set for upgrade
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European NATO JTAC simulator systems set for upgrade.pdf (316.47 KB) 316.47 KB
Flying in MVRsimulation's Part Task Mission Trainer (PTMT) wearing the Varjo XR-3 mixed reality headset. VRSG renders the out-the-window view in the headset and on the curved display. (Notice the pilot's hand on the controls is visible in the VRSG view.)
11 / 30 / 2021
IITSEC 2021: MVRsimulation integrates Part Task Mission Trainer with Varjo XR-3 headset
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MVRsimulation integrates Part Task Mission Trainer with Varjo XR-3 headset - FINAL.pdf (343.92 KB) 343.92 KB
The 30 PTMTs have been delivered to the NATO TLP based at Los Llanos Air Base, Albacete, Spain. (Image courtesy of the NATO TLP.)
09 / 21 / 2021
MVRsimulation delivers fixed-wing Part Task Mission Trainers to NATO TLP
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NATO TLP purchases MVRsimulation fixed-wing Part Task Mission Trainers - FINAL.pdf (458.8 KB) 458.8 KB
MVR simulation logo
09 / 08 / 2021
MetaVR changes name to MVRsimulation
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MetaVR changes name to MVRsimulation - FINAL.pdf (129.53 KB) 129.53 KB
MVRsimulation VRSG real-time scene visualizing the gaze of the wearer of a Varjo XR-3 mixed-reality headset through the collection of eye-tracking data. The scene features an FA-18C entity with Finnish markings in flight over 3D terrain of Albacete Air Base, Spain.
06 / 03 / 2021
MVRsimulation and Varjo introduce eye tracking visualization for performance review training
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MVRsimulation and Varjo introduce eye tracking capability for pilot performance review training - FINAL.pdf (230.63 KB) 230.63 KB
MVRsimulation’s Terrain Tools for Esri ArcGIS with a map of northwest regions of Spain. Other scenes are rendered in MVRsimulation VRSG of the resulting geospecific 3D terrain outside Pedrafita do Cebreiro along the A6 highway of virtual Lugo province.
09 / 21 / 2020
MVRsimulation releases Terrain Tools 1.6
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MVRsimulation release Terrain Tools 1.6 - FINAL.pdf (364.97 KB) 364.97 KB
VRSG provides the simulator’s out-the-window view over MVRsimulation’s round-earth geospecific 3D terrain of CONUS (Image courtesy of ZedaSoft)
08 / 10 / 2020
MVRsimulation visuals for simulator delivered to FAA by ZedaSoft
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MVRsimulation visuals for simulator delivered to FAA by ZedaSoft - FINAL.pdf (350.25 KB) 350.25 KB
MVRsimulation VRSG real-time scene of an MQ-9 entity in flight over virtual Hajin, Syria, 3D terrain.
04 / 30 / 2020
Additional MVRsimulation visuals ordered for the USAF MQ-9 simulator program
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Additional MVRsimulation visuals ordered for the USAF MQ-9 simulator program - FINAL.pdf (285.5 KB) 285.5 KB
MVRsimulation's VRSG real-time scene of an HH-60G Pave Hawk entity at virtual Kirtland Air Force Base.
03 / 25 / 2020
MVRsimulation’s VRSG to provide visuals for US Air National Guard HH-60G Pave Hawk simulator
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MVRsimulation to provide visuals for HH-60G Pave Hawk simulator - FINAL.pdf (237.43 KB) 237.43 KB
D3A three station 'bring your own mortar' training concept demonstrator.
03 / 09 / 2020
D3A Defence, MVRsimulation industry team to demonstrate mortar training solution at DSET 2020
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D3A, MVRsimulation industry team to demonstrate Mortar training solution at DSET 2020 - FINAL.pdf (298.21 KB) 298.21 KB
Cockpit view from an F-16 simulator at Kelly Field with MVRsimulation VRSG. (Photo: USAF.)
02 / 05 / 2020
MVRsimulation visuals selected for more US Air National Guard F-16 sims
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MVRsimulation-visuals-additional-US-ANG-F16sims-NewsRelease-020520.pdf (435.61 KB) 435.61 KB
MVRsimulation deployable Joint Fires Trainer
12 / 02 / 2019
MVRsimulation to demonstrate at I/ITSEC 2019 low-cost deployable training systems
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MVRsimulation-IITSEC2019-demonstrates-land-based-Joint-Fires-training-scenario-120219.pdf (474.97 KB) 474.97 KB
MVRsimulation prototype Part Task Trainer F-18 Cockpit
12 / 02 / 2019
MVRsimulation demonstrates notional F/A-18 Block III Part Task Mission Trainer cockpit
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MVRsimulation-IITSEC2019-demonstrates-land-based-Joint-Fires-training-scenario-120219.pdf (474.97 KB) 474.97 KB
STE RVCT Apache Cockpit
09 / 26 / 2019
Synthetic Training Environment (STE) Reconfigurable Virtual Cockpit Trainers
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MVRsimulation-providing-IGs-for-RVCTs-NewsRelease-092619.pdf (298.42 KB) 298.42 KB
MVRsimulation VRSG real-time scene of a T-1A entity in flight over virtual terrain of Pensacola, FL.
08 / 13 / 2019
USAF Combat System Officers use mixed reality MVRsimulation-based software for training
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MVRsimulation-USAF-CSOs-T1A-NewsRelease-081319.pdf (662.84 KB) 662.84 KB
MVRsimulation VRSG real-time scene of an F-16 entity in flight over  geospecific 3D terrain of Buckley Air Force Base, and Aurora, and Greater Denver.
07 / 16 / 2019
Buckley Air Force Base receives MVRsimulation VRSG-equipped F-16C training simulators
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MVRsimulation -BuckleyAFB-NewsRelease-071619_0.pdf (166.57 KB) 166.57 KB
MVRsimulation VRSG scene of a Reaper RPA entity over virtual Kismayo, Somalia. Inset image shows VRSG's simulated RPA camera view.
06 / 27 / 2019
US Air Force orders more MJAT MQ-9 Reaper simulators with MVRsimulation IGs
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MVRsimulation-MJAT-NewsRelease-062719.pdf (647 KB) 647 KB