MVRsimulation VRSG real-time rendering of virtual Homestead Air Reserve Base (KHST), Miami-Dade County, FL.

MVRsimulation VRSG real-time rendering of virtual Homestead Air Reserve Base (KHST) runway area with cultural content.

MVRsimulation VRSG real-time rendering of virtual Homestead Air Reserve Base (KHST) runway area with cultural content.
- Imagery - 0.30 mpp imagery of Homestead ARB area blended into 1 mpp imagery surrounding the area
- Elevation - DTED 1 and custom elevation at Homestead to match FAA airfield elevations with at least 95% accuracy
- Cultural features - Runway model, runway lights, control tower, hangars and other geotypical buildings, signs, light poles, and geotypical volumetric trees