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MVRsimulation's Deployable Joint Fires Trainer (DJFT), Portable Joint Fires Trainer (PJFT)and fixed-wing Part Task Mission Trainer (PTMT) are internally developed low-cost, quick-deploy mixed-reality simulators.

MVRsimulation works directly with the end-user to obtain requirements and develop simulation hardware under internal R&D programs, with development led by subject matter experts with real-world operational experience and understanding of the current training capability gaps. As an alternative to lengthy government-contracted acquisition programs, our approach enables customers to purchase the hardware as a commercial off-the-shelf product. Following delivery, MVRsimulation continues to work with the customer/user to refine capabilities, further enhance the product, and support accreditation processes. The result is highly-capable, low-cost systems that provide mixed-reality simulator-based training at the point of need.

We work with carefully selected partner companies to meet the customer’s needs, with a focus on agility, competitive pricing and innovative approaches to joint technology development.

Deployable Joint Fires Trainer
Deployable Joint Fires Trainer

The Deployable Joint Fires Trainer (DJFT) is a modular plug-and-play system, fully contained within two or more portable ruggedized cases with all the hardware and software required to run dynamic, full-spectrum immersive JTAC/Joint Fires training scenarios.

Portable Joint Fires Trainer
Portable Joint Fires Trainer

The Portable Joint Fires Trainer (PJFT) brings mixed-reality Joint Fires simulation training to the tactical edge. Users train at the point of need using real-world Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK) end user devices

Part Task Mission Trainer
Part Task Mission Trainer

The Part Task Mission Trainer (PTMT) provides a low-cost, quick-deploy cockpit training solution to fill the gap in current in-use mission tactics training toolkits for military fixed-wing pilots. The system aims to maximize suspension of disbelief for trainee pilots as they practice mission tactics in complex air-to-air scenarios, while interacting with controls in the same manner as they would in an actual aircraft.

The JTAC's view inside the XR-3 headset showing XR-3 pass-through of the real-world Observer Station, within the 3D virtual VRSG environment.