Portable Joint Fires Trainer (PJFT)

Portable Joint Fires Trainer configured as two commercial carry-on backpacks. Users can transport all required equipment for full spectrum JTAC training in only two backpacks.
The Portable Joint Fires Trainer (PJFT) brings mixed-reality Joint Fires simulation training to the tactical edge. Users train at the point of need using real-world Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK) end user devices, MVRsimulation’s Virtual Reality Scene Generator (VRSG), Battlespace Simulations' MACE, and the Varjo XR-4 mixed-reality headset.
A complete system consists of two portable training stations: one Instructor Operator Station (IOS) and one JTAC Backpack (OBS), each fully contained in a commercial airline carry-on backpack. Systems can be configured with multiple IOS or JTAC backpacks to match specific training goals.
The PJFT includes all software and simulated devices to complete Type, 1, 2, and 3 Terminal Attack Control (TAC), Bomb on Coordinate (BOC), FixedWing (FW), Rotary-Wing (RW), Remote Observer (RO), Video Down-Link (VDL), Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD), Urban, Forward Air Controller (Airborne) (FAC (A)), Night, IR, and Laser controls.

Each PJFT backpack can be carried on as cabin baggage for commercial airline travel.

Both the PJFT IOS and JTAC backpacks fit within the overhead compartment of commercial airliners.
JTAC training at the edge
The PJFT provides full spectrum mission training at the tactical edge, either as a stand-alone capability, or as a portable component of the fully-accredited Deployable Joint Fires Trainer (DJFT).
Units can run the DJFT and PJFT at deployed locations and take the PJFT while on temporary duty assignment (TDY) training exercises. Training scenarios can be replicated between the DJFT and PJFT. Missions run on the PJFT can be assessed for after action review on the DJFT, giving a fully flexible training capability wherever and whenever required. Additionally, the PJFT can be added to the DJFT to support additional role players for training efforts where more participants are desired.
The PJFT is directly interoperable with the current U.S. Air Force JTAC training program of record system, the Joint Terminal Control Training and Rehearsal System (JTC TRS). This includes the ability to re-use existing missions, scenarios, content, and terrain currently provided by VRSG and MACE.

JTAC student using simulated HUDs in the head-mounted display for the LTD and LRF to support a terminal attack. Correlated views of the impact can be seen in the HMD view and the sensor pod view.

Students can directly interact with real-world end user devices to operate real GOTS software like ATAK. Mixed-reality simulation also allows students to read and write while immersed in the virtual world.
The core PJFT includes an IOS and JTAC Backpack. Each backpack contains one high-end notebook with internal drives containing VRSG mission-specific terrain, culture, and 3D models. Notebooks can be reconfigured prior to any TDYs for flexibility. All kit is stored internally within the backpacks in custom storage foam.
For maximum modularity, additional IOS and JTAC backpacks can also be added along with Sand Table, Role Player, and FPV UAV backpacks.
The backpacks are available in black, coyote brown and olive green.
IOS backpack
The IOS backpack contains all equipment required to set-up, run, and have full dynamic control of training scenarios:
- 17" high-end laptop with additional portable monitor
- Scenarios run on Battlespace Simulations’ MACE
- MVRsimulation VRSG with 4 viewports to support multiple sensor/rover feeds for Video Down Link (VDL) to conduct sensor pod talk-ons
- Control virtual fixed-wing, rotary-wing, RPAS, and ground and sea assets in the mission
- Controls for UAS pod, 9-lines, 5-lines and Call For Fire
- Control air-to-surface fixed- and rotary-wing fires
- Record current scenario to play back for after-action review
- Headset simulated radios with PTT for communication with JTAC trainee
- Backpack weight: 23 lbs.
JTAC backpack
The JTAC backpack contains all equipment required for trainees to simulate full-spectrum JTAC/FO training missions:
- 16" touchscreen high-end monitor for mixed-reality
- Mixed-reality Varjo head mounted display allows users to work with real-world devices and read and write without needing to remove the HMD
- 360° FOV throughout the entire mission including during the terminal phase of the control to assess the attack geometry
- Simulated radios, laser target designator (LTD), laser range finder (LRF), IR pointer (IZLID), binoculars
- Head and pupil tracking for after action review
- GOTS SWAK-ready Samsung S23 TAK device
- Environmental sound
- Headset simulated radios with PTT for communications with IOS station
- Backpack weight: 25 lbs.
Digitally Aided Close Air Support
The PJFT is Digitally Aided Close Air Support (DACAS) capable:
- MACE supports DACAS as described in JFIRE Appendix E using real world datalink messages to execute both the Link16/SADL message flow and the VMF message flow. Using MACE’s built in JREAP-C server or the raw VMF gateway, the PJFT can be integrated with live training scenarios. VRSG’s video datalink contains KLV metadata compliant with the STANAG 4609 or MISB 0601 standard, enabling embedded sensor-points-of interest and host platform track data within the video stream.
- Supports datalink messaging to execute Link 16 and VMF Digitally Aided Close Air Support (DACAS) in accordance with current joint tactics, techniques, and procedures.
- MACE’s datalink capabilities along with VRSG’s KLV metadata permit the seamless integration of the PJFT with real world targeting software suites like ATAK/WinTAK and datalink message middleware like BADL, TRAX/ATRAX and FACNAV.
The PJFT is delivered with a Samsung S23 Tactical Edition device ready for the GOTS Special Warfare Assault Kit (SWAK) software. The device allows the JTAC trainee to view the tactical picture on a real-world end user device, including geospatial information, MACE-generated 9-line targeting comms and Link 16 data, as well as visualisation for full-motion video (FMV) VRSG feeds, enabling them to be overlaid on the geographical and tactical display as they are in real-life missions.
VRSG provides simulated H.264 video data link sensor feeds from the PJFT simulator’s instructor operator station complete with embedded Motion Imagery Standards Board (MISB)-compliant KLV (Key-Length-Value) metadata, so the range and coordinates of a designated target can be generated as they are in live missions. Sensor feeds may be simulated from overhead aircraft, such as ISR aircraft including RPAS.
The PJFT has been successfully tested and is ready for the user to install and configure the GOTS SWAK software.
Mixed-reality training environment
The PJFT’s mixed-reality training environment is enabled by the Varjo XR-4 head mounted display.
- TAA-compliant Varjo HMD with off-line license allows the user to be fully immersed in the virtual world while interacting with real-world end user devices
- Provides 360 x 360 FOV displays, enabling a fully immersive training environment to conduct Type 1 controls
- The physical experience of interacting with real and/or emulated military equipment (EME) in the real world while wearing the HMD keeps the user grounded and mitigates the effect of motion sickness common with true VR environments
- The HMD’s ultra-low latency, dual 12-megapixel video pass-through allows the trainee read and write without having to remove the HMD.
Ultra portable
The PJFT is contained in 5.11 Rush 72 2.0 Backpacks. The comfortable rucking style backpack enables reliable, extended-range travel, and fits within commercial airline carry-on bag size and weight limits. Custom-designed foam inserts protect the kit inside the backpacks.
The modularity of the PJFT allows units to decide how they prefer to transport their PJFT:
- Single case - An IOS and JTAC two-station core PJFT system in a single Pelican weighing less that 70 lbs.
- Multi case - Each backpack stored individually in its own Pelican case weighing approximately 40 lbs.
The PJFT runs on 100-120V and 200-240 V at 50-60 hz. power. Accessories are powered by air freight compatible batteries.
Low-Cost Portable Joint Fires Simulator
MVRsimulation is the sole source manufacturer and provider of the MVRsimulation Portable Joint Fires Trainer (PJFT) hardware training product, and of VRSG, Scenario Editor, and Terrain Tools software. MVRsimulation does not make its software or hardware available through commercial resellers. In certain circumstances, the transfer of a software license can be made, in accordance with our Software License Agreement.
MVRsimulation maintains a "Best Pricing" policy by offering the same price for a software license or hardware to all customers: US Government, commercial, and international.
Click here for a PDF datasheet with the latest PJFT specifications and pricing. To order the PJFT, see the price list and request for quote form.